Journal of Technologies Information and Communication

Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era
Maria José Angélico Gonçalves 1 * , Manuel Moreira da Silva 1
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1 CEOS.PP, Porto Accounting and Business School, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
* Corresponding Author

Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 2020 - Volume 1 Issue 2, pp. 1-4

Published Online: 13 Apr 2021

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Gonçalves & Silva, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, M. J. A., & Silva, M. M. D. (2020). Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 1(2), 1-4.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Gonçalves MJA, Silva MMD. Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication. 2020;1(2):1-4.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Gonçalves MJA, Silva MMD. Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication. 2020;1(2), 1-4.
In-text citation: (Gonçalves and Silva, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, Maria José Angélico, and Manuel Moreira da Silva. "Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era". Journal of Technologies Information and Communication 2020 1 no. 2 (2020): 1-4.
In-text citation: (Gonçalves and Silva, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, M. J. A., and Silva, M. M. D. (2020). Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 1(2), pp. 1-4.
In-text citation: (Gonçalves and Silva, 2020)
Reference: Gonçalves, Maria José Angélico et al. "Innovation and Technology: evolution and challenges of the digital era". Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, vol. 1, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1-4.
The advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has brought several changes to our daily lives, changing not only the relationships between people but also the way they deal with the reality surrounding them. Its adoption has resulted in economic growth, increase in productivity and welfare, including access to high-quality goods and services.

In this context, ICT assumes a decisive role, being recognized by society, namely by the scientific and business community, as a key instrument for the achievement of innovation, modernization and transformation of society and for a sustainable planet.Edition number two of RTIC (Information and Communication Technologies Journal) presents 4 articles chosen as result of the demanding scrutiny carried out by the members of the scientific committee. These articles focus on the use of ICT in society and organizations, and focus on the emergence of new paradigms adapted to the current societal context and to its challenges.In the first article, the authors describe a study that presents a new model and coworking workspace, which emerged as a result of the digital transformation in tourism and the adjustment of its offer, based on the creation of collaborative or cooperative tech-oriented workspaces, seen as environments suitable for hosting new business models and new targets, namely the digital nomads. In this context, the case study "Selina" is described as a driver for these business models and the valorization of digital nomadism.The second article presents a research whose objective is to align ethical marketing with the need for innovation and organizational growth. According to the authors, the global and competitive environment requires organizations to constantly innovate in products and productionprocesses, having, for this purpose, to invest in R&D and in the technology-based development.In the subsequent article, a study that analyzes the extent to which companies and digital marketers are aware of the Inbound Marketing strategy. The analysis was developed using a quantitative approach, via a questionnaire survey administered to a sample of 532 Portuguese digital marketers. The results show a relevant picture of both the degree of knowledge and application of the approach and the specific strategies most commonly used and considers also the greatest difficulties experienced by professionals. In the last article, a study is presented whose objective is to evaluate the usability of online platforms. The study, in the first part, analyzes the most relevant concepts on the importance of the user in the most recent systems, focusing on the concepts of accessibility, including human-computer interaction (HCI), and addressing specific aspects of the theme of platform design, namely usability, navigability and ergonomics. In the second part, it presents and compares the evaluation results of two platforms, vs Custo Justo.
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