Journal of Technologies Information and Communication

Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte
Maria João Castro 1 * , Sandrina Teixeira 2, José Luís Reis 3
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1 ISCAP, Porto Superior Institute of Accounting and Administration, P.PORTO, Portugal
2 ISCAP, Porto Superior Institute of Accounting and Administration, CEOS.PP/P.PORTO, Portugal
3 ISMAI, Maia University Institute, CEDTUR/CETRAD, Portugal
* Corresponding Author
Research Article

Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 2020 - Volume 1 Issue 1, pp. 27-36

Published Online: 16 Jun 2020

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Castro et al., 2020)
Reference: Castro, M. J., Teixeira, S., & Reis, J. L. (2020). Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 1(1), 27-36.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Castro MJ, Teixeira S, Reis JL. Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication. 2020;1(1):27-36.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Castro MJ, Teixeira S, Reis JL. Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication. 2020;1(1), 27-36.
In-text citation: (Castro et al., 2020)
Reference: Castro, Maria João, Sandrina Teixeira, and José Luís Reis. "Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte". Journal of Technologies Information and Communication 2020 1 no. 1 (2020): 27-36.
In-text citation: (Castro et al., 2020)
Reference: Castro, M. J., Teixeira, S., and Reis, J. L. (2020). Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte. Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, 1(1), pp. 27-36.
In-text citation: (Castro et al., 2020)
Reference: Castro, Maria João et al. "Contribution of digital platforms for the communication of artistic, social or political projects. Merak Project (i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte". Journal of Technologies Information and Communication, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 27-36.
Communication strategies and digital content creation give visibility to an artistic, social and/or political intervention. The intervention that gave rise to the “Merak (i): en franchissant la Ligne Verte” project created by a Cypriot citizen who intended to create a space for dialogue between the Cypriots themselves and the international community on the conflict experienced until today in Cyprus.The project was an original initiative within the framework of the intervention of digital communication strategies in issues of social awareness through art. The methodology used was a case study using documentary analysis, interviews, direct observation and participant observation.The work presents the development of a digital marketing strategy operationalized through the creation of a website that serves as a platform to present and inform about the artistic intervention and the development of an SEO and social networks strategy. The results allowed us to conclude that the website and social networks provided an effective communication during the period in which the project took place. With this project it was possible to spread the desired message, to have the adhesion and interest of the public and to establish contact with people interested in supporting the artistic intervention in a future plan.
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